1. Religion makes you bow, spirituality frees you.
2. Religion introduces fear, spirituality shows how you become brave.
3. Religion shows you truth, spirituality shows you how you find it yourself.
4. Religion separates you from other religions, spirituality connects and unites everything.
5. Religion makes you dependent, spirituality makes you independent.
6. Religion implements punishment, spirituality teaches consequences (karma)
7. Religion makes you follow in the footsteps of others, spirituality invites you to take your own path.
8. Religion requires you to simply believe that it is raw, spirituality explains the mechanism and its relationships.
9. Religion sees God out there, spirituality sees God as having the deepest inmost of all creation.
10. Religion (especially exoteric) prohibits inner processing, spirituality actually introduces you there is a wide world inside and invites to process in.
11. Religion based on books / books analyzed with a certain theory of knowledge (hermeneutics / science of exegesis), spirituality invites you to read nature both outside and inside.
12. Religion limits what is trustworthy, spirituality breaks down the boundaries so that you see that everything is grounded and has its own meaning as a great unity.
13. Religion and science can not be united, spirituality is in line with science.
14. Religion disconnects from reality, spirituality connects to reality.
15. Religion requires membership and bonding to a particular institution / label, spirituality leads to the liberation of any identity.
16. Religion uses Faith Below Reason, while Spirituality leads to Faith Above Reason


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