Follow Your Calling

Use Heart (Feeling)

as "the main tool in living life. Able to penetrate the mind of the subconscious (right brain) that has the power, the power of work is terrible",,, ie 88 percent, rather than the conscious mind that his power is only 12 percent.

The conscious mind is heavily influenced by selfishness, especially negative selfishness, which leads to our lives in suffering such as anxiety, fear, confusion, traumatism, in desperate desires, panic, depression,
Depression, and more severe, due to the power of our very small conscious mind means the ability to work is very limited.

Conversely, if we have succeeded in utilizing the power of the Terrible our subconscious which works by freeing the mind of selfish self-control, then the control of our life will be taken over by. #HEART#. All life activities will be controlled with a sense, a conscience, reflected in the compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, loving and giver-loving, giver-loving and giving of nature to the All-Supreme, the Supreme God.

Most of us today still rely on the conscious mind, because of the difficulty of controlling to the ego, which is associated with the desire (kama), even as if it does not believe in the power of the subconscious mind that is Conscience, feeling.

But for those who have been able to use the taste, the conscience as the main tool of life, know that so dearly its ability to work, life becomes more comfortable in the shade, the heart becomes calm in coolness, life becomes beautiful in peace.
Realize that the material, the outer world is only a life support tool in living the process of life, the main tool is # heart #.

May the Almighty, the Great God, always guide and guide us all,,, to be able to use # heart # as the main tool of life. Praise Maha Dewa,

Om namah Shivay 
Om Swastyastu 
Om ... Shanti ... shanti


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