Read the article about reincarnation and Rajadhiiraja Yoga teachings from Maharsi Astavakra about the nature of the 'atman' which permeates like either, indivisible, thorough.

What can be realized from both philosophies? Remembering time at Prashiksana Math (Training Center), I asked Shraman (Tra iner) about the essence of atman. At that time we are planting shoots planted with distek. So one tree that contains many twigs, every twig that we cut when plugged into the wet soil, will become a new tree.

My question is, how does the atman of one tree become numerous? When will the branch of the tree turn into a unit of the soul?

Because the atmosphere while working and my understanding is still superficial, I do not understand the answer given, even I forget because not understand at all with the answer at that time.

Questions are increasing day, many years to develop .... when is a unit structure into one unit jiiwatman? From different types of plants, we can see the different ways of multiplying. Like the buds, though we can see him as a single tree, which means he is one soul. But each branch can easily develop into another unit.

How does one tree grow?

It will be different from the coconut tree. Or another fruit that must grow through the seeds of the fruit. If we cut the coconut tree, then the tree will die, not breed. This means the atmanya loose from the bonds of tree trunks. The tree died. But in every coconut, there are candidates of new soul units.

Similarly, other fruit trees, in which the formation of the fruit must go through the process of "marriage".

Jumping into the animals ... the way the breed is much more complex. Except for single and single-celled and heavily worms, which develop by dividing. Others certainly can not breed by cutting his body parts. There should be "marriage" of eggs and sperm to create new unit entities. Some lay eggs outside, or inside.

No human beings. The process of cleaning occurs in the mother's abdomen. But remains a question, when does the fetus already have "jiwatma (soul)" itself?
The long question is endless to understand that the philosophy of the atman and the reality can be connected ... let us open various philosophies that describe the attitudes of atman and paramatma.

Om shanti.. shanti.. shanti


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